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Rare archive book for a complete overview of the designer

The Time Tunnel series, published in conjunction with exhibitions at the Creation Gallery G8 and Guardian Gardens from 1994-2013, has been renewed and republished. The books are compilation of interviews with 31 creators, including the designers featured in this archive survey, about their childhood, family, daily life and enthusiasm for their work, and is a book of truly high archival value. Nine books have now been published: Hiromi Tsuchida, Akira Uno, Tamotsu Fujii, Gan Hosoya, Takenobu Igarashi, Masayoshi Sukita, Seiichi Motohashi, Kaoru Kasai and Yukimasa Okumura. *Designers in bold are those who cooperated in the archival research.
More information: ADP

Rare archive book


The Design of Shiro Kuramata Kyoto exhibition opens

The exhibition, which toured the Setagaya Art Museum and the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art, will open at the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, its final stop, from 11 June. Don't miss it.
Click here for details


“Introduction to Shiro Kuramata”
Planning and organization: Yasuko Seki
Publisher: ADP Inc.
Price: 1,500 yen + tax


Introduction to Shiro Kuramata
秋岡 芳夫
秋田 寛
青葉 益輝
新井 淳一
浅葉 克己
粟辻 博
粟津 潔
長 大作
栄久庵 憲司
藤江 和子
藤塚 光政
原 弘
浜野 安宏
蓮池 槇郎
早川 良雄
平野 甲賀
飯島 直樹
五十嵐 威暢
石井 幹子
石岡 瑛子
伊藤 隆道
亀倉 雄策
葛西 薫
勝井 三雄
勝見 勝
川上 元美
河北 秀也
川崎 和男
剣持 勇
木村 勝
木村 一男
喜多 俊之
北原 進
小池 一子
小島 良平
麹谷 宏
小松 誠
近藤 康夫
河野 鷹思
小杉 二郎
倉俣 史朗
黒川 雅之
黒木 靖夫
松本 哲夫
松永 真
面出 薫
水戸岡 鋭治
宮城 壮太郎
宮本 茂紀
森 正洋
永井 一正
中川 憲造
仲條 正義
中西 元男
大橋 晃朗
大野 美代子
佐藤 晃一
須藤 玲子
杉本 貴志
杉浦 康平
田中 一光
戸田 正寿
豊口 克平
豊口 協
内田 繁
植木 莞爾
宇賀 洋子
梅田 正徳
宇野 亞喜良
和田 誠
渡辺 力
八木 保
山名 文夫
柳 宗理
横尾 忠則

Hearing & Report 1

Designers & Creators

Footprints and archives now, as told by the designers themselves and those involved.
*alphabetic order family name + givine name


Akase Tatsuzo1946-de
Akioka Yoshio1920-1997pr
Akita Kan1958-2012gr ad
Akiyama Takashi1952-gr
Anzai Mizumaru1942-2014il
Aoba Masuteru1939-2011gr
Aoi Huber-Kono1936-gr il
Asaba Katsumi1940-ad
Arai Junichi1932-2017te
Awatsuji Hiroshi1929-1995te
Awazu Kiyoshi1929-2009gr




Ekuan Kenji1929-2015pr


Fujie Kazuko1947-pr
Fujimoto Harumi1938-2018li
Fujitsuka Masamitsu1939-ph new
Fukasawa Naoto1956-pr
Fukuda Shigeo1932-2009gr at
Fukuda Tetsuo1949-pr


Hamano Yasuhiro1941-de
Hanyu Michio1933-2021pr
Hara Hiromu1903-1986gr
Hara Kenya1958-gr
Hasuike Makio1938-pr
Hayakawa Yoshio1917-2009gr new
Hirano Kouga1938-2021gr new
Hirano Takuo1930-pr
Hiromura Masaaki1954-gr
Hosoe Isao1942-2015pr
Hosoya Gan1935-gr ad


Igarashi Takenobu1944-gr at
Iida Yoshiaki1947-pr
Iijima Naoki1949-in
Inoue Tsuguya1947-ad
Isaka Yoshitaro1928-1970gr il
Ishii Motoko1938-li
Ishimoto Fujiwo1941-te
Ishioka Eiko1938-2012gr ad
Ito Takamichi1939- at new
Iwabuchi Katsuki1930-2006 in


Kuroda Seitaro1939-gr il
Nagatomo Keisuke1939-2017gr
Kamekura Yusaku1915-1997gr
Kasai Kaoru1949-gr ad
Kashiwagi Hiroshi1946-2021de
Katsui Mitsuo1931-2019gr
Katzumie Masaru1909―1983de new
Kawakami Motomi1940-pr
Kawakami Reiko1938-te
Kawakita Hideya1947-gr ad
Kawasaki Kazuo1949-pr
Kenmochi Isamu1912-1971pr
+ Matsumoto Tetsuo1931-pr
Kimura Katsu1934-2015gr
Kimura Kazuo1934-pr
Kimura Tsunehisa1928-2008gr
Kita Toshiyuki1942-pr
Kitaoka Setsuo1946-2016in pr
Kitahara Susumu1937-in
Koike Kazuko1936-de
Koike Iwataro1913-1992pr
Kojima Ryohei1939-2009gr ad
Komatsu Makoto1943-pr
Kondo Shosaku1927-pr
Kondo Yasuo1950-in pr new
Kono Takashi1906-1999gr
Kosugi Jiro1915-1981pr new
Koujitani Hiroshi1937-gr ad
Kuramata Shiro1934-1991in pr
Kurigami Kazumi1936-ph
Kurokawa Masayuki1937-pr ar
Kuroki Yasuo1932-2007de new


Matsunaga Shin1940-gr
Mende Kaoru1950-li new
Minagawa Makiko te
Mitooka Eiji1947-pr il
Miyagi Sotaro1951-2011pr
Miyamoto Shigeki1937-mo
Mizutani Soich1955-in
Mori Hideo1940-pr
Mori Masahiro1927-2005pr
Mukai Hideo1923-1992ad gr
Murata Chiaki1959-pr


Nagai Kazumasa1929-gr
Nakagawa Kenzo1947-2019gr
Nakajima Shobun1944-gr ad
Nakajo Masayoshi1933-2021gr
Nakanishi Motoo1938-ci
Naruse Motoko1947-ad gr
Nii Takeshi1920-2007in


Oda Noritsugu1946-pr
Ohashi Tadashi1916-1998gr
Ohashi Teruaki1938-1992pr
Ohno Miyoko1939-2016pr
Okamoto Shigeo1934-gr
Oki Kenji1950-in
Okumura Yukimasa1947―gr ad
Onuki Takuya1958-gr


Saito Makoto1952-gr
Sakaizawa Takashi1919-2001in
Sasaki Tatsuzo1906-1998pr
Sato Koichi1944-2016gr
Satoh Taku1955-gr
Sobue Shin1959-gr
Soeda Takayuki1947-gr ad
Sudo Reiko1953-te new
Sugimoto Takashi1945-2018in
Sugiura Kohei1932-gr
Suzuki Kazushi1950-gr


Tahara Keiichi1951-2017ph
Tanaka Ikko1930-2002gr ad
Toda Seiju1948-ad new
Toda Tsutomu1951-2020gr
Toyoguchi Katsuhei1905-1991pr
Toyoguchi Kyo1933-pr
Tyo Daisaku1921-2014pr


Uchida Shigeru1943-2016in pr
Ueki Kanji1945-inpr
Uga Yoko1932-pr
Uno Akira1934-il gr
Umeda Masanori
1941-in pr


Wada Makoto1936-2019il gr
Watanabe Riki1911-2013pr


Yagi Tamotsu1949-gr
Yamaguchi Harumi1941-il
Yamaguchi Nobuhiro1948-gr
Yamana Ayao1897-1980il gr
Yamanaka Shunji1957-pr
Yamashiro Ryuichi1920-1997gr
Yanagi Sori1915-2011pr
Yokoo Tadanori1936-at gr
Yumura Teruhiko1942-il de




ar Architect
ad Art Director
at Artist
ci Corporate Identity Director
de Design Director/Producer/Critic/Editor
gr Graphic Designer
il Illustrator
in Interior Designer
li Lighting Designer
mo Modeler
pr Product Designer(Including Industrial Designer)
ph Photographer
te Textile Desginer

Hearing & Report 2

University, Museum & Organization

Approaches and initiatives for design archives in universities, museums and research institutions
*in order of appearance